Social Media Marketing

Over 200,000 views each month - we are really social!

As a leading marketing firm, we believe that it is imperative to show our clients just how talented our team is at social media. That means, putting our 'money where our mouth is'. We are one of the highest ranking marketing companies that offer an outsourced marketing department on social media globally. 

In New York, our marketing consultants understand not only the importance of social media, but how to leverage your social media presence to become a key influencer in your industry.

We know how to outrun our competitors in the business and work social media to our advantage to achieve our outstanding statistics:

  • 45,500 followers on Instagram 
  • Over 87,000 on two Twitter accounts    
  • Over 200,000 views on our blogs
  • Over 39,000 LinkedIn accounts

We are the Experts in Social Media 

Marketing Eye has a team of social media experts that will create a dynamic social media presence for your company.

Many small businesses have a LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook account. But for most, it is a half-hearted approach to extending their brand into the social media paradigm. At Marketing Eye, we help small businesses develop a branded, intuitive and interactive social media presence that creates "content to drive connections".

We encourage consumer markets to go "social"

Since the inception of social media, we have been working with companies in the business to business and business to consumer markets to go "social" in a way that resonates with their target audience and creates content to drive connections that result in sales, brand loyalty and followers.

While many companies attest to creating social media profiles that drive "likes" and "followers" in the thousands, we believe that this random and adhoc approach collaborates to lessen your brands value online. Instead, we focus on creating social media profiles and interactions that deliver a targeted and strategy approach integrating into your overall marketing strategy.

Our services deliver results that benefit your brand

We utilize our extensive social media and web strategy experience to deliver well thought through social media campaigns that benefit your brand online and offline.

Marketing Eye helps companies set-up, understand, strategize and implement social media campaigns. Some of our services include:
  • Social media strategy development
  • Social media roadmap development
  • Social media branded design for Twitter, Facebook and other social media mediums
  • Social media optimization
  • Social media consultants for "response" to social media interaction
  • Email marketing strategy
  • Social media platform integration
We put money where the mouth is... 

In addition, Marketing Eye "puts its money where it's mouth is" by ensuring that we lead in our own industry sector, in terms of social media. As such, Marketing Eye is in the Top 100 Marketers to follow on Twitter in the US, #35 in list for top tweeters in Sydney, 36,000+ followers on two twitter accounts, 2900+ links on Linkedin (Founder) and tens of thousands following our company blog. Not bad for a busy company!

For more information on how Marketing Eye can deliver to you a compelling social media strategy with a real ROI, contact us now. We look after companies in Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs.

Contact Us

  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3423 Piedmont Rd., NE Atlanta, GA30305
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
Contact Form

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